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Allinson to stand in September's General Election

Dr Alex Allinson MHK has now confirmed his intentions to run for re-election as an MHK later this year.

Dr Allinson, who represents the Ramsey constituency, has been a Keys member since 2016 and took up the position of Education, Sport & Culture Minister last year.

Announcing the move, he says: "I am very proud of the way the people of Ramsey have clubbed together over the last year to support each other and local businesses during a challenging time for our island and the whole world. That sense of support and solidarity will ensure we can regenerate our town and that our families and neighbours continue to be cared for.

"But the speed of change has been frustratingly slow. There is still so much to do regarding affordable housing, rate reform, investment in our schools, local healthcare services and social care.

"Whilst we tackle climate change we have to support people improve their own homes, eliminate fuel poverty and invest in a new economic model to increase wages, reform employment laws and address some of the inequalities in our community laid bare by the stress of the pandemic."

It comes shortly after his fellow Keys representative for the northern town, Lawrie Hooper MHK, also confirmed he'll be standing again when voters head to the polls in September.

He also becomes the second member of the Council of Ministers to declare following Infrastructure Minister, Tim Baker MHK, who'll be contesting a seat in Ayre & Michael.

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