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Burglar told he's transformed family's life 'for the worse'

Anthony Collis was caught on internal CCTV

"I hate what you've done to our life" - that's what an opportunistic teenage burglar was told last week as he escaped prison. 

18-year-old Anthony Collis was caught on CCTV burgling a house in Willaston on October 19th last year - he'd entered the property through a window which had been left open for the cat. 
The internal footage, which went viral on social media, showed Collis stealing cash and cigarettes whilst a mother and her 11-year-old son slept upstairs - he later handed himself into police.  
During sentencing the court heard how Collis had been in "financial difficulties" after losing his wallet containing his benefits - his advocate said he was "ashamed of his actions". 
A victim impact statement was read out in which the homeowner told Collis she felt she'd failed to protect her son and no longer sleeps properly, adding "our home is not a safe place anymore". 
Sentencing him to a Combination Order - which is a mix of probation and community service - Deemster Montgomerie told him his actions had transformed the family's life "for the worse". 
He told Collis the order was "far from a soft option" adding "it will give you the chance to turn your life around". 

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