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Cav misses record but inspires home nation

Mark Cavendish/ Sky Sports

Mark Cavendish missed out on a world record yesterday but succeeded in inspiring his home nation to come together to cheer him on.

Hundreds of supporters came together at the Villa Marina gardens yesterday (Sunday) to watch the Tour de France on a big screen.

The outside event was arranged by the Manx Government. 

Cav was seeking his fifth stage victory of this Tour which would have moved him clear of Eddy Merckx as the winner of a record 35.

But it wasn't to be as he got squeezed out on the run to the line and had to settle for third.

The fairytale ending to this Tour was not to be, but this will still go down as a remarkable performance from Cavendish.

After several seasons disrupted by injury and illness, the 36-year-old did not expect to be competing in the Tour but stepped in after an injury to team-mate Sam Bennett and looked back to his best as he took his first stage wins since 2016.

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