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Commissioners says it was a ‘long and lengthy’ decision to leave NCAS

Bride Commissioners says it made the ‘right decision’ for its residents by pulling out of the Northern Civic Amenity Site.

At its public meeting last night, the local authority said reasons behind the decision were financial and also because the system is ‘unfair’.

Four proposals were put to the NCAS joint committee, including scrapping the business rate from the contribution or use the number of properties as a baseline, but the board said these were voted against.

A representative from Birchall’s, the company now taking on the refuse waste, confirmed 200 tonnes of burnables would have to be disposed to match the £65,000 paid to the Balladoole site.

The clerk said the extra money not paid to Birchall’s will be reinvested back into the commissioners and used for community projects.

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