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Disorderly behaviour in pub lands Douglas man in prison

A Douglas man has been jailed for six weeks after getting into an argument with a man he thought was gossiping about him.

35-year-old Cesar Teodoro Maia, of Clifton Terrace, was sentenced at Douglas Courthouse on Tuesday. 

He'd previously admitted displaying disorderly behaviour on licensed premises.

Maia had been walking past Sam Webbs Public House, on Marina Road, on June 29th when he spotted the man inside using the fruit machine. 

He entered and proceeded to push him from behind leading the man to fall forward and bang his head.   

Maia's advocate told the court the incident was 'extremely brief' adding: "Tensions were running high at the time." 

Jailing him Deputy High Bailiff Jayne Hughes noted it was Maia's fourth conviction for similar offences telling him: "You could, and should, have kept on walking." 


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