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Drink driver ordered to do community service and banned from driving

A drink-driver who was crashed into a ditch on the Mountain Road had drunk a bottle of vodka before getting behind the wheel.

Hannah Clare Lewis of Eairy Veg appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas Courthouse.

At an earlier hearing, the 42 year old admitted drink-driving her Skoda on March 25.

Police found Lewis still in the driver’s seat shortly before 10pm after a member of the public reported the crash.

Lewis told police she’d been drinking and tests later showed she was almost four times over the limit.

Her advocate Jorden Rafferty-Gough told the court her client had struggled after the breakdown of her relationship and had lost her job following the incident.

Mrs Hughes ordered her to do 200 hours of community service and banned her from driving for six years.

Lewis was also ordered to pay £125 costs.

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