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Father-to-be given 'one last chance' by the courts

Magistrates have told a father-to-be he has 'one last chance' to turn his life around. 

33-year-old Christopher James Christian, of David Grey House, appeared at Douglas Courthouse on Tuesday.

He'd previously admitted breaching his Automatic Conditional Release licence between March 31st and April 6th. 

During sentencing the court heard the licence - activated on release from prison - carried a number of conditions which Christian had failed to adhere to. 

These included residence at David Grey House and being of good behaviour - on April 6th Christian had returned to the bail hostel intoxicated and then went missing for six weeks. 

His advocate urged Magistrates not to send him back to prison saying Christian - who has 55 pages of previous convictions - would work closely with the Probation Service.  

Magistrates fined Christian £200 telling him: "We're going to give you one last chance - we're giving you the opportunity to be a proper father." 


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