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Hall in stinging sign-off after party suspension

Zac Hall has blasted Liberal Vannin in a stinging sign-off after being suspended by the party following his sacking from the Department of Education and Children.

He was responding to a statement released by the party’s chairman Roy Redmayne last week, which critised Hall for his lack of professionalism and party unity regarding the policy changes to pre-school support.

The Onchan MHK said Mr Redmayne’s language in the statement was ‘unprofessional’ and ‘inappropriate’ and found him ‘guilty until proven innocent’ ahead of the inquiry in to the matter.

Mr Hall admits that he probably should have resigned from the department and regrets not voting against the policy in Tynwald.

He called Liberal Vannin directionless and said the party has specifically gone against its own policies outlined in its election manifesto. 

He subsequently questioned why Peter Karran and Kate Beecroft haven’t been suspended from the party also.

Mr Hall concluded by highlighting that it’s Liberal Vannin’s code of practice that no member should be forced to vote with the majority.

He said he will now refocus his attention on his Onchan constituents and family life.

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