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Homeowner confronts burglars in Douglas property

Police are investigating a burglary at a house in Douglas after a homeowner confronted four men in their home.

It happened on Annacur Lane at around midday on Sunday - the homeowner attended the house and found a blue Renault Clio on the drive with two men in it.
The driver, who was believed to be in his 30s, is described as having brown sandy coloured hair. 
Upon entering the property the homeowner was met by two more men - one had ginger facial hair and acne scars; he was around 5'7" and wearing a grey woolly hat and a grey hoody.
The second man was described as taller and wearing dark clothing - both men are believed to be in their 20s. 
Officers say the house is unoccupied and has the appearance of being derelict but this is not the case - some items of sentimental value had been gathered together by the men before they were disturbed.
Anyone who was in the area at the time, and who may have seen the men and car described, has been asked to contact Police Headquarters.

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