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Keeping GP surgery is a top priority, MHK says

Keeping a GP practice in Douglas is being treated as a top priority, according to MHKs in the area.

It was announced this week Snaefell Surgery in Anagh Coar is handing back its contract and will cease operating in August.

The practice has over 5,300 patients on its books as well as three GP's, two part-time nurses and a nurse practitioner.

Douglas South MHK, Claire Christian, says she and fellow representative for the area, Paul Quine MHK, are 'fully committed to ensuring this practice continues and that the excellent service remains'.

Mrs Christian says: "We have been contacted by many constituents, who are quite rightly concerned, this is an essential service to the residents of Douglas South, maintaining this is our top priority.

"We are encouraged that the department will be meeting with the practice early next week to discuss the decision and possible next steps on how the practice will be maintained and operated in the future.

"We look forward to and hope that the situation will be resolved swiftly, to reassure constituents in these difficult times."

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