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Man banned from roads after admitting drink-driving

A man who rang police to report he’d crashed his car has been banned from the roads after admitting drink-driving.

Christian Wheeler of Glen Close in Glen Maye appeared before magistrates at Douglas Courthouse.

The 38 year old admitted driving while over the limit on Glen Road in Colby on April 27.

Prosecutor Roger Kane said Wheeler dialled 999 after crashing his Renault Clio, and when police arrived he failed a roadside breath test.

At police headquarters, breath-testing equipment was broken and Wheeler gave a urine sample after a doctor couldn’t find a vein to take blood from.

He turned out to be under the legal limit, but an expert calculated before the three-hour delay in getting a sample Wheeler had been one and a half times the alcohol limit.

Magistrates fined him £1,000 and banned him from the roads for two years as well as ordering him to pay costs of £125.

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