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Man left Island after head-on car crash

A Cleveland man who crashed a car whilst doing "a favour for a friend" has been ordered to appear in court.

26-year-old Paul Tompson, from Hartlepool, lost control going around the roundabout on Johnny Watterson's Lane on February 6th. 

He hit another motorist head on - but left the scene before police arrived, getting on the boat and returning home. 

At Douglas Courthouse earlier this week he admitted driving without due care and attention via Coroner's Admission. 

He also pleaded guilty to having no driving licence, insurance or tax and of failing to stop and failing to report the collision. 

The court was told a police officer in the UK attended Tompson's address at the request of police on the Isle of Man. 

Tompson told him he was doing a favour for a friend but lost control as he didn't drive - he also denied fleeing the Island saying he was booked to leave on the ferry at that time. 

Magistrates ordered Tompson to return to the Island for his next court hearing on May 4th. 

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