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Man pleads guilty to being drunk in charge of a child

A court’s heard a man crashed into a lamppost after drinking half a bottle of vodka with a one-year-old baby in the car.

Adam Heaton of Honeysuckle Lane in Douglas appeared before High Bailiff Jayne Hughes at Douglas Courthouse.

The 36 year old pleaded guilty to being drunk in charge of a child and failing to give a breath sample to police on May 24.

Prosecutor Hazel Carroon told the court Heaton drank the vodka before driving to Noble’s Hospital at around 1.30pm – police were called and arrested Heaton around an hour later.

The court heard he was unsteady on his feet and admitted he was drunk and had crashed the Mitsubishi Lancer, and at police headquarters he couldn’t give a breath sample despite three attempts.

Mrs Hughes bailed him in the sum of £500 on condition he doesn’t drive, and he’ll appear again for sentencing on July 12.

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