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Man who drove 2 & a half times over legal limit, banned from roads

Wednesday, 28 September 2022 08:48

By Jason Roberts - Court Reporter

A court’s heard a man who crashed a car while over the alcohol limit had previously been convicted of drink-driving twice in the UK.

Darren Thomas Hind of the Grosvenor in Andreas appeared before magistrates at Douglas Courthouse.

The 41 year old admitted drink-driving on Main Road in Sulby on September 17.

Prosecutor Rachael Braidwood told the hearing Hind ran off after crashing the Mercedes into a parked van near Sulby Bridge at 11.30pm.

Police found and arrested him a short time later, and at police headquarters testing equipment showed he was two and a half times over the legal limit.

The court heard he’d been convicted of drink-driving in 2007 and 2011.

Magistrates told him they’d considered sending him to prison, adding “Working in the licensing trade, you more than anybody else should realise the situation of drink-driving”.

However, they fined him £1,700 and banned him from driving for five years as well as ordering him to pay £125 costs.

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