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Man wouldn’t recognise police authority

A court’s heard a man accused of driving offences was held in custody for almost a week because he wouldn’t give police his name or address.

Courtenay Adam Heading of Richmond Road in Ramsey appeared before magistrates at Douglas Courthouse.

The 62 year old is said to have been driving his Renault Clio on the Mountain Road with no tax, insurance or proper registration plate on July 12.

Prosecutor Barry Swain said when stopped, Mr Heading told police he didn’t recognise their jurisdiction and refused to answer any questions.

At a previous court appearance, High Bailiff Jayne Hughes entered not guilty pleas on his behalf after he refused to speak in court - Mr Heading confirmed to magistrates he wanted to maintain those pleas.

He was bailed in the sum of £500 and will appear again on August 6.

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