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May sentence for burglar who targeted Top Shop

A Douglas man who used a rock to break into a grocery store will be sentenced in May.

31-year-old Christopher James Christian, of James Street, appeared before the Court of General Gaol Delivery earlier this week.

Christian burgled Top Shop on Alder Road in Pulrose on April 2nd - after stealing alcohol he fled from the scene in a Mitsubishi Shogun he'd taken without the owner's consent.
He went on to cause a crash on St Ninian's Road - instead of stopping he mounted the kerb and drove off without reporting the incident. 

Christian admitted the offences at a previous hearing - and those of driving whilst disqualified, dangerous driving and having no insurance. 

On Monday Christian was told he will be sentenced on May 30th - social enquiry reports have been requested before that happens. 

There was no application for bail and he was remanded at the Isle of Man Prison. 

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