Farmers on the Isle of Man are not being listened to at a time when the industry is facing a "huge crisis".
Thursday, 14 April 2016 00:00
Farmers on the Isle of Man are not being listened to at a time when the industry is facing a "huge crisis".
New UK laws covering border security, asylum and immigration will automatically apply on the Isle of Man after officials here contacted Westminster.
The Department of Infrastructure says it'll increase charges for berthed boats by more than 19 per cent this year.
Police are hunting vandals who deliberately damaged a car in a Tesco car park.
Summer must be coming - the Port Erin beach huts are being built!
Two rapists who attacked a teenage woman in a Douglas flat will appear in court this summer as they appeal their convictions.
Health Minister Claire Christian says no changes to screening for breast, cervix and bowel cancer have been suggested to her.
The Department of Infrastructure says a section of the TT course will close for two weeks from Monday.
Does Laxey need a tax on visitors to raise money for the area?