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More financial support payments announced

Two new financial support payments for businesses affected by the latest lockdown have been announced.

Government has confirmed a grant of £250 will be available to eligible businesses who were disrupted by the 'stay at home' request from government on the weekend of February 27-28.

Meanwhile, the Domestic Business Payment will support certain businesses who operate from commercial premises, including those in hospitality and retail, with a grant equivalent to one year’s rates.

Officials say more information on how to apply for these will be given later this week.

Treasury Minister, Alf Cannan MHK, says: "While the current restrictions are necessary to protect our health care service and save lives, we absolutely acknowledge that they come at a cost to the Island’s businesses and people. 

"Therefore, the Economic Recovery Group have agreed to not only extend, but enhance, the level of support that we are providing. We thank the Island’s business community for their continued dedication and support."

Elsewhere, the Coronavirus Business Support Scheme will provide an additional £1,000 payment for all businesses who have already applied for and received the current CBSS payment of £1,500.

The Salary Support Scheme will be extended throughout the months of March and April, at an increased rate of £310 per week whilst the Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance (MERA) has been extended on increased rates of £230 per week until April 12.

Information on current schemes and financial support can be found on the Coronavirus website at www.gov.im/coronavirus.

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