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Registration opens for Coast to Coast walk

Residents can now sign up to be involved in this year's Coast to Coast Walk.

The annual event from Manx Blind Welfare Society is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 5 at 1.30pm with those taking part following a route from the Island capital to the west coast.

The walk, which is around 12 miles, begins with a lap around the outside track of the National Sports Cente in Douglas before heading down the old railway line and finishing outside the House of Manannan in Peel.

A shorter challenge will also be available, starting in the car park by St Johns School at 3.30pm on the day.

Organisers say it's important you're confident you're up to the task along with any children or dogs who may be with you - watering bowls will also be put out for any four-legged friends who join.

There's a £10 entry fee for anyone wanting to get involved  - details on the event, application and sponsorship forms via the link here.

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