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Survey will gather opinions on Manx political system from over 1,000 Island residents

Those called will be asked who they think the next Chief Minister should be, and how they think the Manx Government have performed over the past 5 years.

A new survey commissioned by the Freedom to Flourish campaigner Professor Hugh Davidson will endeavour to get the thoughts of over 1,000 local people on a range of local political issues.

It’s the first time a public opinion pole on this scale has been carried out on the Island with Professor Davidson saying it was about time the people of the Isle of Man had their say.

Operating under the banner, Manx People Power, those called will be asked who they think the next Chief Minister should be, and how they think the Manx Government have performed over the past 5 years.

HPI Research is conducting the survey, they will be contacting people at random to take part; they’re contacting so many as they felt it would give the most reliable feedback.

The first set of results will be published ahead of September’s election, in mid-August.


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