Archibald Knox: ‘The Deer’s Cry’ – 17th January 2026, 2pm
Inspired by the ancient prayer known as 'St. Patrick’s Breastplate' or 'The Deer’s Cry', the manuscript showcases Knox’s innovative approach to Celtic-inspired design. His intricate interlacing patterns and distinctive lettering, influenced by the Island’s carved crosses and by early Celtic manuscripts, illustrate each line of the prayer with a different blend of delicate colours and designs to create pages that are spiritually resonant and visually captivating.
Although left unfinished at the time of Knox’s death, the manuscript was later bound into a volume and remains a highlight of the Manx Museum’s collections. In this lecture, Yvonne Cresswell will explore the symbolism of Knox’s designs in 'The Deer’s Cry' together with his artistic philosophy, contributions to the Celtic Revival, and how 'The Deer’s Cry' embodies his connection to the Island’s heritage and his own personal faith.
Discover why this work continues to inspire artists and is considered to be one of Knox’s greatest achievements.