A slow walk in the parish of Michael in search of peace.
In 2025 the Spring Equinox falls on March 20, when the whole world shares 12 hours day and 12 hours night. This symbolises equilibrium, harmony and peace, much needed in our world and in our souls.
Being Manx and rather traa dy liooar we're a couple of days late, but please join us for a day walk on Saturday 22nd March for a gentle 3 mile pilgrimage around the parish of Michael. We'll take in Keeill Pheric (Patrick's chapel), Spooyt Vane waterfall and Glen Wyllin, including a walk along the beach. Time will be taken to pause at various places to reflect on peace – through silence, prayer, and poetry from classical and faith traditions.
We'll gather at 11.15am at Glen Mooar beach car park (map ref 303894). If travelling by bus, the 10.07 from Douglas via Peel would be fine. We'll be back by mid-afternoon. No charge or need to book – just turn up, but please bring a packed lunch and a drink. Mainly flat ground except a series of steps in Glen Mooar. The ground may be sloppy in places. Wear clothing appropriate for the weather.
Enquiries to Phil Craine 07624 437248 philcraine44@gmail.com
or Paul Quayle 07624 421027.
The event runs from 11:15 to 15:00 on the following dates.
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