A new forum has been launched aimed at inspiring the Island's next generation of business leaders.
The 'Chamber Think Tank', from the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce, is designed to provide a path for entrepreneurs to provide a positive, long-term contribution to the organisation.
The initiative has a series of key aims which include providing a platform for business people to share views with Chamber members and the wider business community; showcase talent within Chamber member companies and help develop political awareness in younger workers.
Chamber CEO, Rebecca George, says: "Think Tank has evolved from our FUEL (Future Emerging Leaders) Group which began in 2017 and has been very successful in providing a platform for forward thinking ideas and discussion.
"The Group has recently undergone a re-start to ensure it is in line with Chamber’s strategy and priorities, and the Think Tank rebranding reflects that development."
Anyone interested in finding out more about the think tank can do so by visiting www.iomchamber.org.im