A UK tax campaigning group has named the Isle of Man a tax haven in its latest annual report.
The Fair Tax Foundation, based in Manchester, has released its 2023 briefing and tax haven listing.
It's listed the Isle of Man in the document, along with Ireland and Channel Islands Jersey and Guernsey.
In the document, it says it considered factors such as secrecy, harmful tax incentives and whether a country is cooperative.
Please note, we have re-issued our 2023 Tax Havens listing to newly include Bahrain, following advice for us to additionally consider the OECD's 'No or Only Nominal Tax Jurisdiction project'
— Fair Tax Foundation (@FairTaxMark) August 3, 2023
Full updated paper and background at https://t.co/1PbLMekaaK pic.twitter.com/zJYY3V9z0N