In the government’s latest update it’s been confirmed a further 110 new cases have been identified.
It means there are now 419 active cases on Island.
However in today’s press conference Health Minister David Ashford gave the figure of 56 new cases.
A statement reads:
As at 8pm 8 March 2021 110 new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the Isle of Man
New cases: 110
Active cases: 419
Hospital admissions: 8
Confirmed cases: 865
Total tests: 36,419
Concluded tests: 36,418
Awaiting results: 1
Awaiting tests: 176
Number of deaths: Hospital - 7, Community - 18
Given the high volume of testing at the moment, verifying the numbers though the initial contact tracing process and getting the final set of figures is taking a little longer.
From booking appointments, to taking swabs, analysing samples, tracing contacts and reporting results - our teams are working hard to keep our community safe.