An important cash injection has helped an Island charity bring in new toys for the children it cares for.
Manx Lottery Trust granted just over £950 to Hospice Isle of Man, which has now been able to get hold of new sensory toys and a games console which are benefitting between 25 and 30 youngsters at Rebecca House.
The specialist toys help children gain a sense of control over their environment and practice their fine and gross motor skills - one of the items was a Skoog Music Box; an accessible way to create music and make different sounds.
The grant was also used to buy DVDs and a PlayStation 4 console with games.
Head of Children, Young People and Therapies at Hospice Isle of Man, Vicky Wilson, says: "The aim of making these sensory and electronic games available is to provide an opportunity for children and young people of all ages and abilities to socialise and play in ways tailored to their individual needs.
"The equipment will benefit 25-30 young people who currently attend Rebecca House, along with siblings who attend specific sibling group sessions. Thank you to the Trustees of Manx Lottery Trust for awarding the grant."