The Chief Minister will apologise for past mistakes that contributed to children being abused at the Knottfield children's home, later this month.
It'll take place in an upcoming Tynwald sitting (Feb 21-23), during a debate on a Committee's report on Historic Child Abuse at Knottfield and the Council of Ministers’ response to the report.
In a statement, gov't says the Council of Ministers understands and is 'acutely aware' the upcoming debate, and associated media reports, may be retraumatising for the victims, and their friends and families.
COMIN adds it 'regrets the delay in holding this debate, which was due to the court proceedings involved, and appreciates added delays - and further news coverage - contribute to the revictimisation and retraumatisation which is so damaging to those seeking to heal and find closure.'
As a result, government has liaised with local charity Victim Support on the sensitive handling of this matter and how to best support victims.
Anyone who is concerned about themselves, or someone close to them, can access free and confidential support and advice from Victim Support using the contact details below:
Victim Support Isle of Man, 6 Albert Street, Douglas
Telephone: 679950
Victim Support provide an independent sexual violence adviser to work with and support victims of sexual crime.
Victim Support will also provide support to victims seeking compensation through the Criminal Injury Compensation Panel, to ensure that they are dealt with in a compassionate and victim-focused way.