Bill Will Enable Public To Have Access to Many Government and Local Authority Information
The Manx public are being asked what they think about a bill which means the public can have access to Government information.
The freedom of information bill could allow people to have access to government and local authority documents online.
The Chief Minister Tony Brown says it will be a legal requirement that people can request information.
The further round of consultation ends in Spetember.
The Council of Ministers welcomes views on the Consultation Document which can be downloaded from the Chief Secretary’s Office WEBSITE or can be emailed on request by EMAIL HERE or by telephone on 01624 685704. Copies are also available from the Tynwald Library, Legislative Buildings, Finch Road, Douglas.
Views should be sent by EMAIL or by post to Jeanette Williams, Head of Council of Ministers Administration, Council of Ministers Division, Chief Secretary’s Office, Government Offices, Douglas, Isle of Man. The deadline for the receipt of views is 5pm, Friday, September 10, 2010.