The byelaws state you can’t have your dog on the beach and foreshore between the hours of 10am and 6pm daily.
Dog owners will incur a hefty fine if they don't adhere to Douglas beach bylaws throughout the summer months.
The byelaws state you can’t have your dog on the beach and foreshore between the hours of 10am and 6pm daily.
The laws also require dog waste to be removed from the Douglas beach at all times with ample provision of bins the length of Douglas promenade.
Anyone caught failing to comply with the rules will be given a £50 fixed penalty notice.
The public is also reminded that dogs - be they on the beach, road, highway or permitted open spaces – must never be at large, but must be kept on a lead or under the effective control of a person aged 10 years or over.
The restrictions will remain in place until September 30th.