A man who impersonated a Manx police officer has been dropped as a Labour party candidate for a UK local authority election.
Paul Hodgson was standing for election in Northumberland in May but the Labour party says he'll no longer represent them.
The party launched an investigation after it heard about his past.
He was given a caution after impersonating an officer on the Island while he was working as a civilian crime analyst.
Mr Hodgson, who now lives in the UK, was sacked from the constabulary in 2011 after Facebook pictures emerged of him posing in a Chief Inspector's uniform at a hen party.
He'd taken a marked police car to drive to the karaoke night in a pub and was suspended when the matter came to light before his contract was terminated.
The Labour Party carried out an investigation after Mr Hodgson campaigned for the Berwick East seat on Northumberland County Council.
A spokesman for the party has confirmed Mr Hodgson is no longer the party's candidate.