The public are being warned that they will face a fine of up to £1000 if they don't complete and return census forms.
Census day is this Sunday.
The main purpose is to give a definitive population count for the Island, on the last count it was 80,058.
All the information you provide is confidential, the forms will be stored in sealed boxes in the Government archives and will not be available to anyone for 100 years.
Peter Hannay, Senior Research Officer for Treasury says it's highly important that the public fill in and return their forms, as without a 100% return rate the study could fail.
If you are not here this Sunday to fill in the form the Census office is open to call on 686861.
The public are reassured that there are penalties also for the officials conducting the study of an unlimited fine and time in prison, if they misuse the information in any way.
Your forms will be collected next week.