It’s a slightly improved situation at the Post Office as we reach the middle part of the week with pick ups and airmail back to relative normality.
The volumes of mail being collected have been very high as expected after the snow and ice seriously held things up over the weekend.
A lot of the expected airmail deliveries yesterday were late arriving, they’ll now be getting delivered today.
There are still some rural areas that are being affected by the ice, here's the full list published by the Post Office..
South areas
Corlea Road, Grenaby
Clougher Veg
Ronague, Grenaby Road, Ballagawne Road, top end of Glen Road (Costain
Top of Ballakillowey down to Ballakilpheric
The Chasms side of Glen Chass, Cregneash
Mill Road, Fleshwick
Central areas
Baldromma, Croit ny Gabbil, Baldrine Hill, end of Clay Head Road
Lhoobs Road
Top of Ballafreer Lane, top of Trollaby Lane
East Baldwin
Ballanass, Glen Needles, Doolish Ard, Slieu Whallian Road
Ard Reayrt, Agneash, Ballaragh
Mearry Vooar, Mearry Veg, Ballanahow Farm area, Greenfields, off Oatlands Road, Ballafurt Road, Church Road
Lower Knock Froy, Lower Rheast Road, Ballavale Road, parts of Richmond Hill
End of Clannagh Road, Eary Jora Lane, Willy Collister’s Lane
Ballagawne Road, part of Ballacollister Road, Moaney Woods Farm area
North areas
Kirk Michael - Baltic Road and Shore Raod
Barregarrow/Cronk y Voddy - Part of Little London, Ballig, Druidale
Glen Auldyn – Narradale and Tholt y Will
Maughold - School Road