Following a recent public meeting, the Landlord of a Sulby Pub is 'cautiously optimistic' about the future of the Claddaghs.
Ben Sowrey, who runs the Ginger Hall has spoken to 3FM following the meeting about the campsite earlier this week.
A blow was delivered last week with government announcing no-one would be able to camp overnight at the Claddaghs for the 2023 season, whilst a toilet block was demolished.
Looking back, we asked Ben how he felt when he first heard the news:
The decision was met with public backlash - with thousands of people signing a petition to overturn the decision and a public meeting called.
In response, government said it would 'work to find a solution' and would explore options to re-open overnight camping during TT.
Yesterday a statement was released confirming overnight camping at Sulby Claddagh will be permitted during TT.
Ben says if the decision hadn't been overturned, his business would have lost 'an insurmountable amount of money', estimating close to £80,000: