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There's still a good few hours left of the 2022 Royal Manx Agricultural so if you haven't already - get yourself down!
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We're well into the afternoon here at the 2022 Royal Manx Agricultural Show and team 3FM is feeling... rather parched. Good thing the beer tent is here - let's go have a chat with Dave of Key Bar Events 🍻
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It's a beautiful afternoon at the Royal Manx Agricultural Show where we've taken a stroll over to the Tynwald Mills stand to chat with Emma & Karen!
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What a morning! Matt's back, chatting with Chris Corkill from Santander International! #TheSantanderEffect
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Back once more at the 2022 Royal Manx where this morning we're saying hello to the team at Howden's Joinery to find out what they've got on offer
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A Mercedes-Benz convertible for £5!?!? That's what's up for grabs at the Mannin Cancers stand at the 2022 Royal Mamx Agricultural Show - Leanne's chatting to Derek to find out how YOU could win!
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WE ARE BACK! Here again at the 2022 Royal Agricultural Show... let's have a look around at what's happening on this sunny Saturday with Santander International 🌞 #TheSantanderEffect
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That's a wrap from day 1 of the #RoyalManx Agricultural Show! Join us tomorrow with Santander International! #TheSantanderEffect
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...And we're back once more from the 2022 Royal Agricultural Show - now chatting with the lovely Sally & Michael from the Corlett Bolton & Co stand!
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We've taken a little walk and we've arrived at Master House Services, who you too, can visit at this year's #RoyalShow!
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We're chatting to Ellie from Manx Gas at this year's #RoyalShow!
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We've come over to see James & the team from Mylchreests Group, they're here today & tomorrow at the #RoyalShow!
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That's us, airborne with Yellow Helicopters! #RoyalShow
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We're here at the Royal Manx Agricultural Show and we've popped over to see the team at Yellow Helicopters to see what their plans for the show are!
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We're here at the Royal Manx Agricultural Show and we've popped over to see the team at Yellow Helicopters to see what their plans for the show are!
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It's Day 1 of the Royal Manx Agricultural Show and we're proud to partner this year with Santander International! #RoyalShow #TheSantanderEffect